CV Strategies' Tara Bravo Joins Friends' Board


Meet Tara Bravo

Friends of the Desert Mountains is pleased to welcome new board member Tara Bravo, Vice President of CV Strategies. Tara’s skill and guidance on our Marketing/Development Committee will be invaluable in helping tell Friends’ story as we continue connecting people to the land.

Tara Bravo leads the 20-member team at CV Strategies, where she guides the development and execution of communications and outreach campaigns for more than 100 public agencies, nonprofits and corporations. She has served as the architect of multiple, complex outreach efforts that include branding, strategic planning, water and wastewater rates outreach, enhanced website design, social media management, video direction and communications training.

Tara's background in graphic and web design gives her a unique skill set and the ability to convey highly technical information in a visual format that provides added value to her work with clients. Since joining Friends’ Board, Tara already is proving herself invaluable as a skilled leader, helping guide production on Friends’ first-ever Annual Report.

Click here to see our entire Board roster.

Welcome, Tara - and thank you to our entire Board of Directors, Friends is fortunate to have your thoughtful leadership.

karin jaffie